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Environmental issues and problems occupy a prominent place on the agenda of international and national institutions and bodies, as well as in various humanities and social sciences. This growing interest is due to the direct and obvious impact of these issues on human life, as they are considered a human right, which is increasingly suffering from environmental problems resulting from the imbalance of environmental systems. There is therefore an urgent need to mobilise international and local efforts at all levels to understand the causes of these problems, limit them and prevent their escalation. To achieve this goal, it is necessary, first, to understand the concept of the environment and its components, and to identify the environmental system and how the imbalance in its equilibrium occurs, and, second, to review the legal texts that have come to protect the environment at the international level.
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The Holy Qur’an.
- Constitution of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, promulgated by Presidential Decree 20-442 of 30 December 2020, published in the Official Journal No. 82 of the year 2020.
- Official Journal of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, No. 43, published on 20 Jumada Al-Awwal 1424 AH, corresponding to 20 July 2003 AD.
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