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Marketing is a dynamic activity of constant change and evolution; the digital transformation in the channels of communication with the consumer marked by aspects, such as the pandemic generated by the COVID-19 virus and the increased penetration of the Internet, generate that marketing adapts to this new reality achieving an exponential growth of digital marketing today.The main objective of this research was to determine how the tourism sector can take advantage of the tools offered by digital marketing to improve their business results. In that sense, a mixed approach methodology was used as a primary source of information collection; a survey was applied to 385 people and analyzed through ATLAS.ti software and SPSS version 26.0, being necessary a qualitative and quantitative analysis.As a main result, the use of social networks was identified as the main source of promotion, accompanied by content according to the needs of each follower, with promotions being one of the most attractive contents in general terms, followed by aspects related to the experience of living.
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