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The exclusion of cases in the public interest by the Attorney General (seponeering) in Indonesia has caused controversy because there needs to be an adequate oversight mechanism. Seponeering can lead to abuse of authority and legal uncertainty for citizens. This study examines the need to reformulate the control mechanism for overriding cases in the public interest to ensure legal certainty and justice. This study used normative legal research methods with a philosophical and analytic approach. The study results a show that judicial control is one of the mechanisms that can be applied to oversee the seponeering by the Attorney General without eliminating his authority to make decisions in the public interest. This judicial oversight needs to be realized in legislation that regulates the pretrial mechanism so that it involves investigators, interested parties, and the wider community in supervising the decisions of the Attorney General. These control mechanisms ensure integrity and fairness in the criminal justice system and increase public confidence. Therefore, it is necessary to reformulate the pretrial mechanism by incorporating the principle of separation as its object, either by challenging legal provisions or by drafting a new Criminal Procedure Code. These control mechanisms ensure integrity and fairness in the criminal justice system and increase public confidence. Therefore, it is necessary to reformulate the pretrial mechanism by incorporating the principle of separation as its object, either by challenging legal provisions or by drafting a new Criminal Procedure Code. These control mechanisms ensure integrity and fairness in the criminal justice system and increase public confidence. Therefore, it is necessary to reformulate the pretrial mechanism by incorporating the principle of separation as its object, either by challenging legal provisions or by drafting a new Criminal Procedure Code.
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