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Arrangements for peacekeeping forces can be found in the UN Charter, in particular Article 1 of the Charter, which sets out its mission objectives as a form of world peace. As the oldest subject of international law, the state, in the essence of international relations, cannot be separated from internal and external conflicts. Thus, this kind of conflict could threaten international peace and security. Therefore, it is important to study international legal review of the rules of world peacekeepers in conflict countries and the rejection of world peacekeepers in conflict countries within the framework of international law. The research method used is normative legal research with statutory and conceptual approaches. This study concluded that These peacekeepers could participate in countries experiencing conflict, regulated by UN Security Council decisions through their resolutions. The peacekeeping force also has several main principles, such as the agreement of the parties, impartiality, and not using force except for self-defence and maintaining the mandate of resolutions and a state that rejects the presence of peacekeepers is included in violations of international law; rejecting the results of a joint agreement against UN Security Council resolutions. The UN Security Council resolutions have been considered customary law and a source of international law with binding legal force.

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Public Law
Author Biography


Rodon Pedrason1 , Adhi Iman Sulaiman2 , YOGI MUHAMMAD RAHMAN4., Belardo Prasetya4 Mellisa Towadi5

Lecturer, Faculty of Defense Strategy, Indonesian Defense University, Bogor – Indonesia1

Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Jendral Soedirman University, Purwokerto – Indonesia2

Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Galuh University, Ciamis - Indonesia3

Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Banten – Indonesia4

Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo – Indonesia5



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