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An administrative approach is designed to solve the congestion of urban rotating public parking in Ecuadorian cities, mediating a case study that demonstrates its feasibility of implementation from the administrative, organizational, and financial aspects. The absence of designs, projects and proposals related to the problem of vehicular growth and congestion in Ecuadorian cities, together with the obsolescence of current ordinances at the national level, implies a critical problem. The current situation of the case study is described and detailed, proposing to incorporate computer tools associated with the geographic information system, as well as the adoption of information and communication technologies. The new approach to guidelines for a new ordinance and application that improves the interaction between users and workers is added. The research, of a non-experimental nature, declares exploratory, explanatory, documentary, case study and projective types. It is declared as a feasible project and scientific methods of analysis of information sources, experts, and deductive, inductive, empirical, mathematical statistics are appealed to. It is concluded that the proposal enjoys the relevance and feasibility to be applied in Ecuadorian cities that use the urban public parking system.
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