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In order to deal with the recent surge in rape crimes in Pakistan, there is a dire need to understand the factors that shape the criminal personality of rape convicts. Current study conducted an in-depth analysis of the lives and experiences of convicted rapists to deepen our understanding of their personality development. Fifteen convicted rapists were interviewed. Thematic analysis revealed that rape is a deliberate choice of a person regardless of situational factors. Disturbed family relations, self-victimization, poor impulse control, resentment towards power figures, and gender-based hate are the key contributing factors in shaping their criminal personality. These psychosocial factors best explain poor impulse control, and gender based hate in rape convicts. The findings of the present study indicate a completely different view of convicted rapists for the policy makers, criminologists and forensic psychologists, who can use this knowledge in their professional endeavor.

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Criminal Law
Author Biography


1Assistant ProfessorCOMSATS University Islamabad
2Undergraduate Student, COMSATS University Islamabad
3Assistant Professor, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad
4Assistant Professor, Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi
5Assistant Professor, COMSATS University Islamabad
*Correspondence: (Ayesha Inam and MinahirShahid shared the first authorship)



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