Main Article Content
This work presents the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), with the aim of designing a digital product for the tourism promotion of theChimborazo Fauna Production Reserve, during the process the new trends in marketing and tourism promotion helped by ICT and their evolution over time were taken into consideration, to offer better benefits to both the promoter and the tourist. The RPFCH stands out as an emblematic site of the country thanks to its natural and cultural wealth, being considered a suitable place to apply this technology. The use of Augmented Reality in the reserve will providemore information and accessibility about the attractions it has for visiting tourists. To know the current situation of tourism in the reserve, a study of supply and demand was carried out, in the case of supply, the attractions and activities, infrastructure, tourist plant and the existing superstructure were diagnosed and analyzed; for demand, information related to visitors, market, marketing channels and promotion strategies was collected, and tourist dissemination. Regarding the creation of the augmented reality application, a comparative study was carried out on the tools, application methodologies, hardware and software, in order to determine the most appropriate for the objectives set. Subsequently, the requirements for the design of the application were analyzed, comparing the different methods to apply Augmented Reality, managing to create the application , which, through the scanning of markers will present the information that the touristneeds to know. At the end of the work, it is concluded that Augmented Reality technology is of great help, in addition to being extremely efficient, this resource transforms the way the world is seen. It is recommended to optimize the use of thiscomputer field to know new media and methods of promotion and dissemination that are consistent with new technological trends and market preferences.
Article Details
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