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This article will explain Corporate Criminal Liability related to the Business Judgment Rule doctrine. There are 2 (two) fundamental questions that are the object of research, first: to what extent is Corporate Criminal Liability related to the Business Judgment Rule doctrine, second: to what extent is the Business Judgment Rule doctrine applied in Indonesia? This article uses normative research in the form of regulations, conceptual, comparative approaches, cases, and interviews. This study emphasizes the interpretation and construction of law to obtain several legal norms, conceptions, lists of regulations, and their implementation in real situations. This research shows that Corporate Criminal Liability is related to the Business Judgment Rule doctrine and the application of the Business Judgment Rule doctrine in Indonesia as in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, Article 97 paragraph (5) reads: Members of the Board of Directors cannot be held accountable for losses as referred to in paragraph (3) if it can prove: a. the loss is not due to his fault or negligence; b. has conducted management in good faith and prudence for the benefit and by the aims and objectives of the Company; c. does not have a conflict of interest, either directly or indirectly, for management actions that result in losses; and d. have taken action to prevent the loss from arising or continuing. Of the 4 (four) conditions outlined in the Law above, this is a requirement that must be met if the Business Judgment Rule doctrine is to be applied in Indonesia.
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