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Democracy is a political system that provides space for the opposition because the basis of democracy is the existence of popular sovereignty and freedom. Furthermore, people have the right to participate in political decision-making and win the course of the government. Related to the democratic system, it can be transparent, human, and constitutional. On the other hand, Islamic politics is built with Islamic values that emphasize the people's welfare in the democratic system in Indonesia. Likewise, the actions of the opposition are included in the study of Islamic politics. This research intends to see Indonesia's political opposition from the perspective of Islamic politics. Qualitative and systematic literature review methods are considered appropriate in examining political conflict from an Islamic political perspective. The results of the study stated that in Islamic politics, the people/people were agreed to obey the leaders or the government. However, Muslims are obliged to give advice or ask for permission from the leaders or the government to apply a mistake or wrongdoer. Thus, the political exclusion is a noble political policy, including even the superior people, because they believe in the leaders or the government for wrong behavior. The agreed opposition was for the others: first, Amar Makruf and prevent sleaze. Second, oppose upholding justice. Third, the opposition is for the benefit of the people. Four, Opposition and constitutional;opposition is done politely andgently.
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