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This paper aims to identify and analyze, as well as formulate a settlement model for damage to the conservation forest of the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve in Pohuwato Regency. It uses statutory approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. An offer of model for law enforcement against damage to the Tanjung Panjang nature reserve in Pohuwato Regency can be built using a preventive, repressive and persuasive approach. A preventive approach will help prevent damage to the environment and natural resources in the Tanjung Panjang nature reserve. A repressive approach will provide strict sanctions for perpetrators of activities that damage nature reserves, so as to reduce the frequency of violations. Meanwhile, a persuasive approach will help build awareness and cooperation with the community around the nature reserve, so as to increase community participation in protecting and preserving the nature reserve. In practice, this model can be implemented through close coordination between law enforcement officials, local governments, stakeholders and the community.
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