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Local self-governance is associated with the management measures taken by the government toward autonomy and self-determination on the organizational apparatus and social development management tasks in the locality. Many nations around the world have developed local self-governance models that are unique to them and appropriate to the features of their political, cultural, and social regimes. Many other nations have strong decentralization regulations for their localities according to their areas of expertise, even though they haven't applied a specific model of local self-governance. This has led to diversity in the ways that various nations manage and administer their local governments. The author of this paper focuses on examining local self-governance in Vietnam and doing a comparison with the self-governance model used in several other nations. The author used a qualitative method to conduct this study by gathering and analyzing secondary data. Research findings have demonstrated the benefits and drawbacks of local self-governance in Vietnam. Based on the research results, the author offers recommendations for future innovation research to develop an effective government apparatus.
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