Main Article Content
Regulatory problems and disharmony of laws and regulations in labor law in Indonesia have forced the government to reform regulations through the omnibus law which aims to reduce the unemployment rate in Indonesia. The concept of a rule of law (rechtsstaat) adopted by the state Indonesia includes the protection of human rights as well as legal certainty and based on the law. Economic development is very important for increasing the level of social welfare. The existence of the Omnibus Law actually has a negative impact on the Indonesian workforce, especially for women workers. Women workers as a vulnerable group of people are the object of study in this study. The purpose of this research is to find out the complexity, implications, and conception of the omnibus law for the protection of female workers in Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive-analytical, namely by providing an overview of actual problems based on concrete facts. The conclusions from this study are directed at the government to better protect workers belonging to vulnerable groups of society, especially women in the future regulation of the omnibus law. Working women are the most affected group of workers. The results and findings of this study find a bright spot, namely where the omnibus law specifically only benefits investors or corporations and forgets about fulfilling workers' rights, one of which is reducing minimum wages and termination of employment without demands.
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