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This study analyses a model proposed by the authors based on the literature review whose constructs are the factors that influence the sustainable entrepreneurship of Ecuadorian women analyzed in previous studies. The ICT construct is added with the idea of determining the role played by technology in the sustainability of these enterprises. The research methodology is located in the positivist paradigm, quantitative approach, and descriptive type with a field design; the population analyzed are women entrepreneurs in the provinces of Cañar and Azuay. The data collection technique used was an instrument divided into sections, the first consisting of dichotomous questions, while the second was a questionnaire with questions measured on a Likert scale. The results of the analysis concluded that the factors that determine the sustainability of female entrepreneurship are associated with the type of entrepreneurship and the use of technology, which was also highlighted in the context of the pandemic that caused a social distancing and has left a new way of doing business, taking advantage of the technological era that has been installed in all latitudes. Once the model has been tested, it is concluded that information technologies determine companies’ sustainability.

Article Details

Corporate / Business Law
Author Biography


1Johanna Rosali Reyes-Reinoso, 2Deisy Carolina Castillo Castillo, 3Andrea Vanesa Mory Alvarado

1Doctor in Social Sciences, mention in Management at the Universidad del Zulia. Professor and Researcher, at Universidad Católica de Cuenca.ORCID:

2Doctoral Candidate in Business Administration and Management at Pablo de Olavide University Spain. Professor, Universidad Católica de Cuenca.

3Doctoral student in Information Technologies at the University of the Balearic Islands. Research associate at the Catholic University of Cuenca.


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