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The spread of information networks and social media is one of the great blessings in our contemporary world. However, this great blessing is sometimes exploited badly by some weak souls in committing some information crimes, including the crime of sexual exploitation of children through electronic means of communication, and this crime has spread recently with the spread of modern means such as mobile phones and social networking sites such as WhatsApp, Facebook and others. The crime of sexual exploitation of children through electronic means of communication is one of the most heinous and worst crimes committed against children, which aim to harm the integrity and purity of their honor and they made them either as a commodity to achieve material profit by greedy merchants who lacked the spirit of humanity and morals, or an opportunity for him to satisfy the perverted instinct of a sick, abnormal person, who lacks the slightest degree of sound human instinct. In view of the aggravation of this crime across all countries of the world, many international conventions and conferences called for an end to the crime of sexual exploitation of children, and the countries urged to put in place strict laws to deter the perpetrators of these crimes and to ensure the psychological, physical and moral protection of the child, the Saudi regulator has ensured to eradicate this phenomenon by introducing legal texts in the Saudi cybercrime system to criminalize and punish the commission of crimes of sexual exploitation of children, in addition to educating the family and society about this phenomenon. Hence, I wanted to show this crime, its forms and elements, and the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in addressing this phenomenon.

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Public Law
Author Biography


Wael Mohammed Nusairat

Department of General Law, College of law, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University


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