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Soil problems are a pathetic occurrence in Malaysia's housing industry. Since Independence Day, the housing industry has expanded and spread across the nation, however soil problems have continued to plague the sector, which caused a negative trend. Although land, planning, building, and housing laws have been enacted in Parliament to control and regulate the Malaysian housing development industry, it is regrettable that these disasters are still common and persist today. Through its literature review, this paper elaborates on the causes of housing failures in relation to soil problems from a legal perspective, right from the outset of the development until the completion of the housing projects thereof. The discussion includes why and how the legal problems occurred and the stakeholders' and purchaser residents' grievances and losses. It aims to identify the current and possible legal problems and issues associated with and arising from the soil problems. The study also includes references to case laws subject to the availability of the reported cases. The study questions why and how the situations happen where justification is necessary throughout the discussion of these stages.
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