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The global trend towards the horizons of digital work has had a major role in the electronic fulfillment process gaining special importance in the recent period, as it is a new system produced by e-commerce that works according to modern electronic mechanisms that did not exist before. Thus, the electronic fulfillment mechanism is one of the most important rights and obligations arising from electronic transactions, but rather a fundamental pillar, if we do not say that this transaction is what led to the emergence of this commitment between the contracting parties, so the concern was for the necessity to define the mechanism of fulfillment on the network itself by means of a bank card, or any method of electronic fulfillment.
Nevertheless, we find that those who shop online often feel insecure about the electronic piracy operations when fulfilling the financial value of the transactions concluded electronically, and then feel that they are not legally protected, and they do not know the truth of their legal status, as is the case with the buyer who deals electronically. So that the feeling of the inability of the other party, who is the seller, to fulfill his legal obligations according to the commercial offer submitted by him. Therefore, the issue of providing the confidentiality of electronic payment card information and thus the security of fulfilling its financial value is one of the obstacles to the growth of electronic commerce.
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- Jalil Al-Saadi, Problems of Contracting over the Internet, First Edition, Al-Sanhouri Library, Baghdad, 2011, p. 135.
-This case is also called "fictitious program fabrication", which aims to plan prior monitoring in order to carry out information fraud crimes. Small Jamil Abdel Baqi, Criminal Law and Modern Technology, Book 1 Crimes arising from the use of computers, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, without a year of printing, pp. 49-50.
- Barham Nidal Salim, Provisions of Electronic Commerce Contracts, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman – Jordan, 2009, p. 275. Abdel Fattah Bayoumi Hijazi, The Legal System for the Protection of Electronic Commerce – The System of Electronic Commerce and its Civil Protection, Book 1, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jami, Alexandria, First Edition, 2002, pp. 132-133.
-Pauline Antios Ayoub, Legal Protection of Personal Life in the Field of Informatics, Al-Halabi Human Rights Publications, Beirut, 2009, p. 148. ForRob Smees et al., op. Cit., Pp. 229-230. And see you Oud Kateb Al-Anbari, Electronic Payment, Journal of the Message of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Karbala – Iraq, Special Issue of the Research of the Seventh Legal Conference, 2010, p. 213.
- Rob Smis et al., op. Cit., P. 233.
- Barham Nidal Salim, op. Cit., P. 175.
- "sniffing" means a program for eavesdropping, that is, sensing and taking data from the network through so-called sniffing programs that record all electronic communications between multiple computers. Rob Smies et al., op. Cit., P. 230.
- Oud Kateb Al-Anbari, Electronic Payment, Journal of the Message of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Karbala – Iraq, Special Issue of the Research of the Seventh Legal Conference, 2010, p. 214.
- The secret code is created by first clicking on the password, which consists of different numbers or compound phrases of words that do not exceed 20 words. The program waits for certain moments until the secret code is created, which consists of the card number, type, name of the holder and his phone number, then clicking on the thing that links the code to the party that is interested in online fulfillment. See in this regard the disposition of footnote 02 of: Jalil Al-Saadi,op. Cit., P. 137. See also: Farouk Mohammed Ahmed Al-Basiri, Subscription Contracts in Internet Databases – An Applied Study of International E-Commerce Contracts, New University Publishing House, Alexandria, 2002, p. 102.
- Farouk Mohammed Ahmed Al-Basiri, op. Cit., P. 103.
- Abdel Fattah Bayoumi Hijazi, The Legal System for the Protection of Electronic Commerce, Book 1, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jami, Alexandria, 2002, p. 132. Barham Nidal Salim, op. Cit., P. 175.
- Abdel Fattah Bayoumi Hijazi, op. Cit., P. 133.
- Pauline Antios Ayoub, op. Cit., P. 149.
- Emad Ali Al-Khalil, Penal Protection for Wafa Cards, First Edition, Wael Publishing House, Amman, 2002,p. 102.
- An Internet specialist, an investigator in the US Federal Police named John Newton,raised through his author( cart FRQUD) a question that was overshadowed by the exclamation point of what happened to the bank card as a rich topic for organized crime hackers as it is the dream of future generations? As a result, the assets of countries and people become stolen by criminals who base their crime on simple principles in the world of electronics, computers, operating methods and programming, and thus deal with the Internet as a global network? How is a person present in a particular country to be stolen in another country and on another continent? Without a direct meeting between the parties, that is, the physical presence in one council, as the theft is carried out without material damage to the victim? In light of all these questions, John Newton believes that what happens from hacking the electronic card is only a crime of remote theft. This is in the world of electronics, the world of remote control, where theft is done by remote control but without control. Imad Ali Al-Khalil, op. Cit., P. 102.
- Musa Khalil Al-Mitri, Legal Rules Governing Exchange, New in the Business of Banks from the Legal and Economic Aspects, Halabi Publications,Beirut,Lebanon,2002,p. 261.
- These stages are arranged as follows:
- Preliminary stage: At this stage, risks may arise as a result of the issuance of inappropriate decisions during the planning and processing of electronic systems commensurate with the services they provide, as well as that these systems may not achieve what the customer requires.
- The stage of policies and procedures: where the risks arise from administrative negligence and technical inability in relation to electronic activity.
_Internal Security and Control Phase: Risks may arise here as a result of not providing the required internal protection for the information that the bank needs or that is transmitted to it through electronic communication.
_Accounts and Auditing Stage: Lack of auditing and processes used through a particular electronic system would pose a risk to electronic payment methods
- Communication and information systems: Risks arise at this stage as a result of the lack of security with regard to the issue of certification of information received electronically and the inability to identify problems resulting from electronic banks.
- Jalal Ayed Al-Shura, Electronic Payment Methods, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, Jordan,2008, p. 87 et seq.
- Jalal Ayed Al-Shura, op. Cit., P. 89.
- Jurisprudence is due to the fact that the reasons for the emergence of risks are due to the possibility of implementing the hacking process from several regions in the world, and to the speed of the hacking process, as it does not need more than minutes to hack and leave the site, in addition to the possibility of sending any message to hack without specifying the name of the sender, which is tampered with to be exploited through some websites online, which makes it more difficult to detect who is responsible for the hacking process. See: Abdel Fattah Bayoumi Hegazy, The Legal System for the Protection of Electronic Commerce, The System of Electronic Commerce and Civil Protection, op. Cit., P. 86.
- Musa Khalil Al-Mitri, op. Cit., P. 266.
- Jalal Ayed Al-Shura, op. Cit., P. 95.
- Musa Khalil Al-Mitri, op. Cit., P. 266.
- Jalal Ayed Al-Shura, op. Cit., P. 95.
- Munir Muhammad Al-Janbihi and Mamdouh Muhammad Al-Janbihi, Electronic Money,Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jami, Alexandria, 2007, pp.78-79.
- Waad Kateb Al-Anbari, op. Cit., P. 214.
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- Jalal Ayed Al-Shura, op. Cit., P. 105 et seq.
- Munir Muhammad Al-Janbihi and Mamdouh Muhammad Al-Janbihi, op. Cit., Pp. 79-80.
- Jalal Ayed Al-Shura, op. Cit., P. 106.
- Sahnoun Mohammed, op. Cit., P. 22.
- Musa Khalil Al-Mitri, op. Cit., P. 270.
- Jalal Ayed Al-Shura, op. Cit., P. 110.
- Musa Khalil Al-Mitri, op. Cit., P. 270.
- Salah Zainuddin, An Economic Study of Some of the Problems of Electronic Payment Methods,Electronic Banking Conference between Sharia and Law, held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Dubai, from 10 to 12 May 2003, 323.
- Bawadi Mustafa, Electronic Payment as a Mechanism for Consumer Protection and its Implications in Algerian Legislation,Journal of Jurisprudence, Issue 14 April 2017, p. 54.
- Mohamed Abdullah Shaheen Mohamed, Arab E-commerce Prospects, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Jami, First Edition, 2020, p. 141.
-Refer to: Muhammad Abdullah Shaheen Muhammad, op. Cit.,Pp. 143-144.
-Op.Cit;p 144.
- Bilal Abdul Muttalib Badawi, Electronic Banks (What they are, their transactions, the problems they raise), the work of the Conference on Electronic Banking between Sharia and Law, United Arab Emirates University, held on May 10-12, 2003., p. 169.
- The term electronic banking transactions means the total financial servicesprovided by banks that rely on electronic data processing, including the effects of electronic exchange of information and processes that govern banking activities.Hazem Naeem Al-Samadi,Responsibility from Electronic Banking Operations, 1st Edition, Wael Publishing and Distribution House, Amman-Jordan, 2003, p. 22. See also: Kawthar Saeed Adnan Khaled, op. Cit., P. 605.
- Law No. 18-05 dated 24 Sha 'ban 1439 corresponding to 10 May 2018, related to electronic commerce, Official Gazette of the Algerian Republic, No. 28 dated 16/05/2018.
- It is among other objectives that were the subject of research in several citizens of this study, including the protection of the buyer on the occasion of processing data of a personal nature of a natural person.
- Inthis regard, the Tunisian jurisprudence has stated that marking the WAP sites is nothing more than a procedure through which the unreliable, who is not certified, ensures that the product, service or quality system conforms to certain conditions. This explains the transition from the concept of marking to ensure the quality of the product to the concept of marking the WAP sites. See: Asmaa Al-Zalawi, Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Master's Memorandum in Contracts and Investments Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Al-Manar University - Tunisia, 2009- 1010, p. 73.
- Nazih Mohammed Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, Civil Protection for Computer Programs in Positive Laws, Proceedings of the Law, Computer and Internet Conference, Faculty of Sharia and Law, United Arab Emirates University, held on 1-3 May 2000, p. 2.
- Jamaleddine Chaoui, Electronic Commerce Contracts as an Alternative to the Traditional Economy, Legislative and Economic Study, Dar Al-Numan for Printing and Publishing, Algeria, 2017,p.09.
-Ali Kahlon, Electronic Commerce,Journal of Judiciary and Legislation, Tunis, February 2000, p. 27.
- TheFrench legislator defined through the law of December 29, 1990 the process of encryption as: “All performances intended to transform and assist confidentiality agreements, information or clear signs into information or signs selected for expression or to carry out the reverse operation thanks to the material or informational means established for this purpose.” Refer to:Bochurberg (L): Internet et commerce électronique, édition encyclopédie Delmas,1999,P133.
- The decree issued on February 24, 1998 stipulates that secret agreements are monitored as unpublished keys to apply a coded method or performance of numbering or decoding operations. See the legislative development of the cryptographic system in French law in:
-Bochurberg (L),Op.Cit, P P133-134.
- Walid Al-Zaidi, Online and Computer Piracy, First Edition, Osama Publishing and Distribution House, Amman, Jordan, 2003, p. 93.
- Theexisting accreditation body, when activating the set system, has several guarantees, including: - Ensuring that the content of the message and the financial information related to it are verified by encryption technology, - Ensuring that the identity of both the seller and the buyer is verified, - Seeking to protect the privacy of the customer by not tracking the quality of his purchases, - Embodying the guarantee of the principle of complementarity, indicating that the message sent is the same as the message received. See: Nader Shaaban Ibrahim Al-Sawah, Plastic Money and the Impact of Electronic Transactions on Internal Audit in Commercial Banks, University Publishing and Distribution House, Alexandria, 2006, p. 124.
- Diaa Ali Ahmed Noman, op. Cit., P.29.
- In addition to the non-physical means of information security, there are physical means aimed at preserving computers and their accessories and the necessary protection for cylinders, tapes, printers, storage and communication places, which is achieved in practice by providing tangible defense security to protect facilities from accidents, natural disasters and intentional damage. See on that: Tamam Shawky and Khalifa Mohamed, Automated Data Processing System as a Basis for Penal Protection in Algerian Legislation, Journal of the Generation of In-depth Legal Research, Center of the Generation of Scientific Research, Tripoli - Lebanon, Third Year, Issue 25, May 2018, p. 19.
- Diaa Ali AHamad Noman, op. Cit., P. 39. Also: Hijazi Abdel Fattah Bayoumi, Electronic Government between Reality and Ambition, First Edition, Dar Al-Fikr Al-Jami, Alexandria, Egypt, 2008, p. 220.
- Waked Youssef, The Legal System of Electronic Payment, Master's Memorandum in Law, Public Law Branch, Faculty of Law, Mouloud Mamari University, Tizi Ouzou, 2011., p. 170.
- See more detailed about this technical method: Ghaniya Batali, Cybercrime – A Comparative Study, Algerian Publishing and Distribution House, Algeria, 2015, p. 141 et seq.
- This is what was decided by French Law No. 230 of 2000 issued on March 13, 2000 to adapt the law of evidence for information technology and electronic signature. Before the issuance of this law, the French judiciary recognized the validity of the electronic signature and its authority to prove it. See Kilani Abdel Radi Mahmoud, The Legal System of Loyalty and Guarantee Cards, PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Law, Ain El Shams University, Egypt, unpublished, 1996, pp. 184-185.Huda Hamed Kashkoush: Criminal Protection of Online E-commerce, Cairo, Dar Alnahda Alarabiya 2000, p. 71 et seq.
-There are many formsof electronic signature, where we find what is used in the operations of banks andelectronic payment in general, which is the signature code, andthere is the biometric signature, which depends on the physical and behavioral characteristics of the person, and the digital signature, which depends on encryption and linking it to private keys to decrypt.See Ibrahim Al-Desouki Abu Al-Lail,Documentation of Electronic Transactions and the Responsibility of the Documentation Authority towards the Affected Third Party - Legal Aspects of Electronic Transactions, Kuwait University, Scientific Publishing Council, 2003, pp. 1853 et seq.
- Hisham Fathi Sayed Hussein, Means of Electronic Consumer Protection between Sharia and Law, Proceedings of the Conference on Electronic Banking between Sharia and Law, Faculty of Sharia and Law and Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, United Arab Emirates University, held on 10-12 May 2003, p. 1203.
- Kawthar Saeed Adnan Khaled, op. Cit., P. 616.
-Hussein Shehadeh Al-Hussein, Electronic Documentation in Documentary Credit, Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of Egyptian Laws held at the Egyptian Society of Law, Economics and Legislation under the topic "Legal Aspects of Banking Operations", Cairo on 19 and 20 December 2002, pp. 1and beyond.
- Bilal Abdul Muttalib Badawi, op. Cit., P. 1959.
-According to this process of documentary credit, jurisprudence defines it as: "A credit opened by a bank at the request of one of its customers in favor of another person by guaranteeing documents representing movable goods or intended for transport." Mahmoud Mukhtar Ahmed Breary, Commercial Transactions Law – Banking Operations, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, 2004, p. 136.
-Mahmoud Mukhtar Ahmed Breary, op. Cit., P. 137.
- Kawthar Saeed Adnan Khaled, Electronic ConsumerProtection, New University House, Alexandria, Egypt, 2012, p. 617.
- Hazem Naeem Al-Samadi,Responsibility from Electronic Banking Operations, First Edition, Amman, Wael Publishing and Distribution House, 2003, pp. 68-70.
- Moncef Kartas, Electronic Commerce and Applied Problems, Journal of Judiciary and Legislation, Tunis, July 1999, p. 40.
-GUICHARD(S), M.HARICHAUXet DE Tourdonnet (R), Internet pour le droit , Montchrestien, 2ème édition, Paris 2001, P 231.
- Drees Kamal Fathi, Electronic Authentication Mechanism as a Guarantee for Commercial Transactions by Modern Means in Algerian Legislation, Journal of Research and Studies, Martyr Hama Lakhdar Universityeloued, Issue 24, Year 2017, p. 162.
- Drees Kamal Fathi, op. Cit., P. 163.
- The seventh paragraph of Article 02 stipulates that: "The following means:...7- Electronic Certification Certificate: A document in electronic form proving the link between the verification data of the electronic signature and the signatory..."
- Paragraph 12 of Article 02 reads as follows: " ... – Performer of electronic certification services: A natural or legal person who grants described electronic certification certificates, and may provide other services in the field of electronic certification."
-Article 15 of Law 15-04 was included in the provisions of Chapter One on the electronic certification certificate described in Chapter Three, entitled Electronic Certification, where the legislator indicated throughit the nature of this certificate by the availability of certain important requirements that must be met init and the data it must contain.
- Ali Kahlon, Informational Responsibility – An attempt to control the advantages of the responsibility of those involved in the framework of informational applications and services, University Publishing Center in Tunis, 2005, p. 390.
- The Regulatory Authority of the Post and Transport in Algeria initiated the preparation of a project on the electronic certificate on securing transactions through the transport network, related to the organization of an open national and international tender on 06/09/2009 to find a company specialized in the field of electronic certificates, which is mainly tasked with developing the tools and mechanisms necessary to establish and follow up the use of electronic certificates during the exchange of data over the Internet, as the card user can conclude transactions online and pay for the purchase of online collectibles from merchants, in a secure environment against fraud and piracy, thanks to the circulation of encrypted information as well as the use of a personal access code that helps to verify the identity of the cardholder. See: Wadi Yousef, op. Cit., P. 182. Also: Dimish Sumaya, Electronic Commerce: Its Imperative and Reality in Algeria, Master's Memorandum in Economic Sciences, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management Sciences, University of Menturi, Constantine, 2010-2011, pp. 266-267.
- Article 29 states the following: "Electronic payment platforms established and exploited, in accordance with Article 27 above, shall be subject to the control of the Bank of Algeria to ensure that they meet the requirements of interoperability, data confidentiality, integrity and security of exchange."
- Regulation No. 05-07 dated 26 Dhu al-Qa 'dah 1426 corresponding to 28 December 2005, including the security of payment systems. Official Gazette of the Algerian Republic No. 37, issued on 04/07/2006.
- This is stipulated in Article 02 of the aforementioned Payment Systems Security Law. He reviewed: Abdul Raouf Dabbash and Zabih Hisham, Means of Payment between the Technical and Legal Protection of the Electronic Consumer, Journal of Jurisprudence, issued by the Faculty of Law and Political Science at Mohamed Khader Biskra University, No. 14, April 2017, p. 116.
- Law No. 18-04 dated 24 Sha 'ban 1439 corresponding to 10 May 2018, specifying the general rules related to mail and electronic communications, Official Gazette of the Algerian Republic No. 27 dated 13/05/2018.
- See the text of Article 03of Law No. 18-04 specifying the general rules related to mail and electronic communications, op. Cit.
- See Article 46, paragraph 04, and Article 57, paragraphs 1and 3, as well as Article 62, paragraph 1, of Law No. 18-04 specifying the gene