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Governance, or as some refer to it, the application of good governance, is one of the modern concepts that has garnered significant attention from researchers due to its impact on all fields. It is a key requirement for effective management within companies. Interest in governance increased after the economic collapses and financial crises experienced by many countries, including Russia and the United States, which suffered from administrative and financial corruption as well as poor management by corporate executives. This situation made it difficult to attract capital.

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Books :

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Articles :

Al-Shammari, S. R. (2008). Governance: A guide for financial and institutional reform. Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University, Issue 17, May, pp. 125–138.

Ghari, A., & Sara, A. (2018). Environmental governance: A conceptual approach. Algerian Journal of Security and Development, University of Batna, No. 13, July, pp. 308–321.

Khalil, M. (2003). The role of the management accountant within corporate governance. Journal of Business Studies and Research, Faculty of Commerce, Benha University, Issue 02, pp. 15–42.


Law No. 16/01 dated March 6, 2016, on constitutional amendment. Official Gazette of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, No. 46, 2016.

Law No. 22/18 dated July 24, 2022, on investment. Official Gazette of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, No. 50, 2022.

Law No. 23/17 dated November 15, 2023, defining the conditions and methods for granting economic real estate belonging to state property for investment projects. Official Gazette of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, No. 73, 2023.

Presidential Decree No. 20/442 dated December 30, 2020, on issuing the constitutional amendment approved in the referendum on November 1, 2020. Official Gazette of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, No. 82, 2020.

Presidential Decree No. 96-438 dated December 7, 1996, issuing the text of the constitutional amendment approved in the referendum on November 28, 1996, amended and supplemented by Law No. 02-03 dated April 10, 2002, and Law No. 08-19 dated November 15, 2008. Official Gazette of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, Nos. 76 (1996), 25 (2002), and 63 (2008).

Executive Decrees:

Executive Decree No. 23/486 dated December 28, 2023, specifying the components of economic real estate belonging to state private property, intended for investment projects and eligible for granting concession. Official Gazette of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, No. 85, 2023.