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The two organic pollutants that were chosen for this study are vinyl chloride (VC) and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). These pollutants are commonly found in the environmental media such as water and leachate water. In South Africa, these organic compounds are controlled through the regulations for landfill disposal (G NR 635) under the National Environmental Management: Waste Act No 59 of 2008. MEK toxicological interactions target the liver, lungs and nervous system, and there have been several human case reports of neurological effects, from high exposure to MEK in combination with other hazardous solvents. VC is seen as even more toxic and is also carcinogenic.
When trace evidence is brought for analysis at analytical laboratories, the discussion of both customers and the laboratory analysts always centre around the quality of the data, the turnaround time of the analyses and the operational costs. In most analytical laboratories the sample preparation stage is the most time-consuming and it is also the stage where the highest probability of human error occurs. But, using the solid phase micro extraction (SPME) technique would ensure that sample preparation is quicker, reproducible and cost-effective.
After a minimum of ten sample runs per calibration point, the SPME coupled with Gas- Chromatographic (GC) method performed well as shown through the accuracy, reproducibility, working range, recoveries, uncertainty, sensitivity, selectivity and percentage of relative standard deviation (RSD). The application of this optimized method ensured the successful analyses of traces of vinyl chloride and methyl ethyl ketone pollutants in water matrix, with reduced human related errors to enhance the admissibility of the data in court.
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