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In the context of the Algerian constitutional amendment of 2020, which led to the establishment of administrative appellate courts, the issuance of the organic law concerning judicial division followed. Consequently, the administrative judiciary now consists of an administrative court, an administrative appellate court, and the Council of State. This development embodies the principle of litigation at two levels.

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Legal Texts:

Organic Law No. 22-10, concerning judicial division, Official Gazette of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria No. 41, 2022.

Law No. 08/09, containing the Civil and Administrative Procedures Law, amended and supplemented.

Presidential Decree No. 20-442, containing the Algerian constitutional amendment, Official Gazette of Algeria No. 82, 2020.

Executive Decree No. 22/435, specifying the territorial jurisdiction areas of the administrative appellate courts, Official Gazette of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria No. 84, 2022.


General References:

Barbara Abdel Rahman, Explanation of the Civil and Administrative Procedures Law in Light of Amended Law No. 08-09 by Law No. 12-13, Part 1, 5th Edition, Bayt Al-Afkar, 2022.

Abdel Salem Dib, The New Civil and Administrative Procedures Law, 3rd Edition, Moufem Publishing, Algeria, 2012.

Mohand Amokrane Boubsher, Civil Procedures Law, 3rd Edition, University Publications Office, Algeria, 2008.

Hussein Freiha, Fundamental Principles in Civil and Administrative Procedures Law, University Publications Office, Algeria, 2010.

Hussein Freiha, Procedures for Tax Disputes in Algeria, no edition, Dar Al-Uloom Publishing and Distribution, Algeria, 2008.

Youssef Delanda, The Concise Explanation of Common Provisions for All Judicial Authorities According to the New Civil and Administrative Procedures Law, 2nd Edition, Houma Publishing, Algeria, 2009.

Specialized References:

Mohamed Saghir Baali, The Algerian Administrative Judicial System, Dar Al-Uloom Publishing and Distribution, Annaba, Algeria, 2009.

Saeed Bouali, Administrative Disputes under Algerian Law, 1st Edition, Balqis Publishing House, Algeria, 2015.

Rachid Khelloufi, Administrative Dispute Law: Organization and Jurisdiction of Administrative Judiciary, University Publications Office, 2nd Edition, Part 1, Algeria, 2013.

Hussein Tahari, A Brief Explanation of the Judicial Procedures Followed in Administrative Matters, no edition, Al-Khaldounia Publishing and Distribution, Algeria, 2005.

Awabdi Ammar, The General Theory of Administrative Disputes – The Judicial System in Algeria, Part 2, 4th Edition, University Publications Office, Algeria, 2009.

Youssef Delanda, Ordinary and Extraordinary Methods of Appeal in Judgments and Decisions Issued by Ordinary and Administrative Judiciary, no edition, Houma Publishing, Algeria, 2010.

Youssef Delanda, The Algerian Judicial Organization, 1st Edition, Al-Huda Printing and Publishing House, Algeria, no publication year.

Doctoral Dissertation:

Akouche Hanan, Litigation at Two Levels in Algerian Administrative Judiciary, Doctoral Dissertation, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Algiers 01, 2020.

Master's Thesis:

Bahmani Ishaq, The Principle of Litigation at Two Levels in Administrative Matters, Master's Thesis, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Ghardaia, Algeria, 2022.