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The purpose of this article is to design a formative assessment proposal that strengthens the evaluative practices of the teachers in the UCEVA Law program. The methodology was oriented, from the parameters of the interpretative paradigm and using the hermeneutic phenomenological method proposed by Fuster (2019), to interpret the arguments presented by Ausubel (2002), Quintar (2008), Santos (1998), Díaz (2000), Hidalgo (2021), Novak and Gowin (2002), and Álvarez (2013), who argue that, in higher education, the aim is to enhance competencies, skills, abilities, and dimensions of the human being, encompassing psychological, cultural, social, biological, ethical, communicative, and cognitive aspects. The data collection technique used was the interview, applied to 20 informants, and 3 work guides applied to 10 students, 6 teachers, and 4 graduates.
The results and findings obtained evidenced the need to apply formative assessment to improve student learning outcomes through reflection, feedback, and knowledge exchange. Likewise, the need to incorporate more assessment instruments and techniques other than exams and quizzes was identified.
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