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This scientific article aims to interpret fear as an urban social imaginary linked to relationships in closed residential complexes in the city of Valledupar. The methodology is oriented, from the parameters of the qualitative approach, the use of the ethnographic method and the application of data collection techniques such as observation and semi-structured interviews, as well as the analysis of the arguments proposed by authors such as Wirth, (1938 ) and (2008), Tuan (1974), Lang and Danielsen (1997), Moscovici (1997), Certeau (1999) and (2000), Reguillo (2000), Baeza (2004), Londoño (2001), Silva (2001), Roitman (2003), Borsdorf (2003), Pinto (2005), Ludeña (2006), Lindón (2007), Hiernaux (2007), Hevia and Tijoux, (2008), Fuentes and Rosado (2008), Rosin (2009), Martínez (2013 Martinez (2012), (2014 and (2021) among other social science authors who reflect and study fear as an urban social construction.
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