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The criminal procedure model is a high generalization of basic and common characteristics, reflecting the way of organizing criminal proceedings and the way of finding the objective truth of the case, thereby deciding the procedural status of the subjects of the procedure, the nature of the relationship between the subjects of the procedure and the order and processes of resolving criminal cases. The history of world criminal procedure has recorded the existence and development of two main criminal procedure models: the adversarial criminal procedure model and the inquisitorial criminal procedure model. Both of these criminal procedure models aim to find the truth of the case, but the fundamental difference between the two models is the way to find the truth of the case. Vietnam is a country following the socialist legal tradition, originating from the civil law system. Basically, the criminal procedure model in Vietnam is still the inquisitorial criminal procedure model but has absorbed many progressive and positive elements of the adversarial criminal procedure model, which are appropriate with the specific historical, political, economic, social and legal conditions of Vietnam.
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