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The document presents a methodological review focused on the development of a strategic digital marketing plan. This approach is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises seeking to contribute to the achievement of their objectives, given that the environment is increasingly changing and highly competitive. In order to remain competitive, these enterprises must establish new mechanisms to respond to the current market requirements in which they operate. The methodological review enabled the identification of ten fundamental stages for the design of the Plan. These stages highlight the importance of the diagnosis of the current situation of the company, which involves the analysis of critical elements from the external, internal, and digital perspectives. This analysis determines the unique value proposition, establishes objectives, formulates strategies, establishes tactics and plans, as well as schedules and budgets, and the respective evaluation and follow-up mechanisms. These are further augmented by illustrative examples of the deployment of digital tools and the establishment of tactical, operational, and control activities with which it is intended to contribute to the fulfillment of the planned, taking advantage of the strategic elements available in social networks and search engines.
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