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Teacher education must continually adapt to social, cultural, economic and technological contexts, which requires constant reflection on pedagogical practices. This study analyzed the investigative pedagogical practice of trainee teachers to understand their relationship with reflective thinking. The research was based on the need to review the practical pedagogical training of future teachers, in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of National Education to improve the quality of degree programs. A four-stage phenomenological-hermeneutic study was carried out, focusing on the experiences of the trainee teachers during the pedagogical practice in the curriculum of the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Technology. Data were collected through content cards, observation guides, open-ended surveys, informal conversations and phenomenological interviews, and analyzed through documentary analysis, participant observation and thematic analysis. The results describe the trainee teachers' perceptions of pedagogical practice in terms of teaching strategies, the teacher-student relationship, the conception of the trainee teacher and the role of the tenured teacher.

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