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Objective: To analyze ideas, meanings and senses constructed from the concepts of participation in health, by the main social actors involved in the implementation of the participation policy in the control of the quality of health services in Colombia, because for the general population Health promotion activities have always been considered an obligation of the State and not of individuals.
Methods: Descriptive study, qualitative information collection technique, uses a structured survey based on the NANDA domain assessment, has 15 coded and categorized open questions to be submitted to statistical analysis. Results: A high percentage of the population recognizes the importance of organizing to achieve better conditions and opportunities in health services. Conclusions:
The cultural construction of the population in terms of the obligation of the state in terms of guaranteeing health without the existence of awareness of their participation in it. The population recognizes the need for community organization with the purpose of developing actions tending to impact the social determinants. The health programs established by the State must be developed with the participation of the populations, thus facilitating their commitment to their own care. It is essential that nursing training institutions contemplate strategies for future professionals to address issues related to Health Promotion with community participation. In the same way and in coherence with the current health model that proclaims Primary Health Care as a way of contributing to the health of the population, the empowerment of the community and the training of leaders capable of transforming their environment are required. The work of the nursing professional is recognized, who with his work in the communities recognizes situations early, intervenes and facilitates processes.
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