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Currently, there are advancements in the field of LegalTech, but there is a lack of understanding regarding the impact of these new digital technologies on lawyers and the justice system. The purpose of this study was to determine the state of affairs in the political-technological environment. A quantitative legal research was conducted using secondary sources referencing the OECD's digitalization objectives to transition from e-government to digital government. The state scenario includes Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and El Salvador through a Bayesian analysis of contingency tables using the software –JASP- Version 0.16.3. The results show that sixty (60%) percent of the analyzed countries exhibit significant correlation values between (P2-P5), displaying a Log median (OR=0.943), a (BF0+=1.379), and a (BF+0=0.725) with a credibility interval (CI) of (95%) ranging from [0.046, 2.984]. It is concluded that the Bayesian probability of governments having a national strategy for adopting AI solutions is (1.379) times more likely than the existence of technological solutions supporting judicial procedures based on artificial intelligence.
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