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This research paper is based part of a larger study that explores the assessment practices employed in the B.Ed. (Honors) Elementary Program in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The study aimed to identify the challenges associated with assessment processes in the program with an aim to highlight issues and present solutions. The paper is based on part of data collected for a larger study as part of PhD research. The sample of respondents for this part of the study consisted 10 Semi-structured interviews were conducted with teacher educators from the two public sector universities, University of Haripur and Hazra University Mansehra in Pakistan to get insights into the assessment system in the B.Ed (Hons) Elementary program. Data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings indicate that the assessment system was not adequately aligned with the program objectives. There were inadequate procedures forensuringfairness, accuracy, consistency, and transparency. Feedback and regular review of the assessment system are emphasized, and the results are disseminated to stakeholders. Quality improvement plans are developed based on assessment results and stakeholder feedback. The study suggests areas for further improvement in the assessment and evaluation system in the B.Ed. (Honors) Elementary Program.
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