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In the Municipal Mayor's Office of Pasto from 1998 to 2000, the mayor of the city in question announced the execution of a project called "LA PASTUSIDAD NEW MILLENNIUM STADIUM" The original project was integrally called UDRA Recreational and Environmental Sports Unit, of which the ESTADIO DE LA PASTUSIDAD is a part. The objective of this article was to analyze the main variables that contributed to the failure of the aforementioned project, and how its initial focus was gradually lost thanks to inappropriate management from its presentation, proposal, allocation of resources and design of the contract, among others. In the same way, the low viability of the project is recognized as it is located in an area of high threat due to a possible eruption of the Galeras volcano, located precisely in the vicinity of the city of Pasto. Among the main findings, it was possible to determine that the absence of governance is evidenced in the lack of a balance between the state represented by the mayor's office, the society to which the project was directed and the market that was not evaluated correctly. Carry out efficient planning processes that ensure the correct execution of public projects such as the one studied in this document, taking into account all the variables that positively or negatively affect their execution.

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