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The main objective of this research was to characterize the non-industrial asphalt materials of northern Ecuador used in the maintenance of road infrastructure. This characterization of materials was carried out thanks to the collection of samples; To carry out the sampling of natural asphalt mixtures, the INV E-201 standards on sampling of materials for road construction and the INV E-701 standard on sampling of bituminous materials were followed due to the characteristics of these materials.

The natural asphalt sampled was from the Pungarayacu field located in the province of Napo, Ecuador. Among the main findings, it was determined that natural asphalt mixtures with original gradation plus the addition of emulsion do not meet the minimum values of conserved resistance, air and water resistance for cold mixtures with asphalt emulsion, so it is concluded that these mixtures are only recommended for the construction of tread layers or stabilized bases on secondary or tertiary roads. If you want to use it for roads with heavy traffic, you must improve these characteristics. Therefore, it is not justified to carry out an investigation aimed at establishing a method of design of mixtures with crude oils due to the great heterogeneity that occurs between them, which would imply too many variables to be standardized, such as the contents of solvents and their type, the water content, the characteristics of the asphalt residue and the presence of impurities such as sulfur and organic matter, among others.

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