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The study aims at researching the relationship of product trademarks and their effects on consumer purchasing behaviour. Trademarks should be viewed in a multifactorial framework, and can be understood from corporate and consumer perspectives. Companies use them to communicate corporate excellence in a field, as they provide protection or even exclusivity. For example, although the term “champagne” has an informal meaning internationally as sparkling wine, in practice only those specific sparkling wine producers can use it which originate from the Champagne region in France. Thus, it represents a territorial and quality association. Companies use them for differentiation and protection as well, they have a complex legal framework behind them. Consumers on the other side look at and identify these trademarks as a reassurance to their purchases. Some look for local and domestic brands, some for quality, some take them into consideration as a principle, preferring to buy domestic products. If a product has a trademark, that is a strong signal towards the buyer. In our study, we examine the legal background of product trademarks, describe their functioning from an economic perspective, and with a primary study focusing on the behaviour of Generation Z, we look at the statistical correlation of trademarks and purchasing decisions.
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