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The criminal acts of corruption occurring in Indonesia are currently of significant concern. Corruption is not limited to lower-level government employees; it has permeated the highest echelons and decision-making bodies of the Indonesian government. Whether acknowledged or not, corruption severely impacts state finances, the national economy, and impedes overall national development. Consequently, combating corrupt practices must commence at the policymaking level and extend down to the lowest levels of implementation. Since the inception of Law No. 3 of 1971 aimed at eradicating criminal acts of corruption, subsequently amended to Law No. 31 of 1999 and further revised to Law No. 20 of 2001, numerous individuals involved in corruption have been convicted. However, the existing criminal justice approach to law enforcement has proven insufficient in recovering state financial losses and deterring both corrupt individuals and potential offenders. Consequently, it is imperative to explore innovative approaches to law enforcement to effectively address corruption in Indonesia. One promising approach is transitioning from a punitive criminal justice model to a restorative justice framework. Restorative justice not only seeks accountability for wrongdoing but also focuses on repairing the harm caused to victims and communities. Embracing restorative justice principles in combating corruption could offer a more comprehensive and sustainable solution to this pervasive issue in Indonesia.
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