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This study examines the significance of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) in safeguarding trade secrets, particularly within the context of Indonesia's legal framework. The background highlights the complexities of protecting intellectual property rights, including trade secrets, amid the absence of explicit provisions regarding NDAs within employment contracts. Employing a juridical-normative methodology, legal regulations, judicial decisions, and relevant literature are analyzed to assess the enforcement of customary agreements in cases of trade secret breaches without NDAs. Through the identification and interpretation of legal provisions, the study scrutinizes the recognition and protection of trade secrets, emphasizing the role of NDAs as a preventive measure. The findings underscore the challenges posed by regulatory gaps and ambiguities in trade secret protection, necessitating comprehensive legal frameworks. Despite Indonesia's alignment with international standards through participation in the World Trade Organization and adherence to TRIPS, the absence of explicit provisions on NDAs leaves trade secrets vulnerable and increases the likelihood of disputes. Recommendations include legislative reforms to clarify the legal status of NDAs, enhance enforcement mechanisms, and promote awareness of trade secret protection. Collaborative efforts involving government agencies, industry stakeholders, and legal practitioners are advocated to develop best practices and guidelines aligning with international standards, ensuring effective protection of trade secrets in Indonesia.
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