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This article presents the results of the analysis of business management in a sample of 91 food agribusiness MSMEs in the department of Boyacá. Through a descriptive and correlational study, 60 factors were analyzed in ten areas, the results allowed classifying them according to the degree obtained, in first place production, financial and strategic planning, with an average of 85.3% of compliance and outstanding valuation; human talent with satisfactory management degree and average of 67%; marketing, ICT, quality and relations with acceptable degree and average of 58%; finally the areas with insufficient management degree which were innovation and environmental, with an average of 37% of compliance in the analyzed factors. In 88% of these factors, management does not depend on the size of the company and 87% does not depend on the productive branch. The methodology used facilitates the identification of factors requiring improvement, always keeping in mind a holistic view of the organization and its management areas.
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