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The Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) mandates the establishment of robust cooperation mechanisms for international criminal justice. This involves efficient information exchange between member state authorities and the ICC. Provisions outlined in the statute, particularly in Chapter IX, Articles 86 through 101, outline the framework for such cooperation. Cooperation extends to executing judicial decisions, including prison sentences and fines, as detailed in Chapter X of the Statute. This article discusses two aspects: first, the exchange of information between states and the Court, covering evidence and investigation of criminal acts; second, various forms of judicial cooperation between states and the ICC.

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Annex No. 01, containing the provisions of Chapter IX of the Statute of the International Criminal Court concerning "International Cooperation and Mutual Legal Assistance.

Taher Mukhtar Ali Saad, International Criminal Law, International Penalties, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Jadidah United, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition, 2000, page.231.

3Ben Sheikh Al-Hussein, Principles of General Criminal Law, Madar Homa Printing, Algeria, Second Edition, 2000, page 33.

Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, adopted and opened for signature and ratification by General Assembly resolution 2391 (XXIII) of 26 November 1965.

Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Taher Mukhtar Al-Saad, International Criminal Law, International Penalties, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Jadidah Al-Mutahidah, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition, 2000, Page 230.

Mohamed Mustafa Younis, "Treatment of Prisoners in Light of the Rules and Principles of Public International Law," Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya, Beirut - Lebanon - 1992, page 156.

Hasan Ibrahim Saleh Obeid, "International Criminal Justice," Dar Al Nahda Al Arabiya, 1997, page 204.

Al-Tahir Mukhtar Ali Saad, "International Criminal Law: International Penalties," Dar Al Kitab Al Jadeedah Al Mutahidah, Beirut - Lebanon, First Edition, 2000, page 234.

Treaty on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of1948.

Genocide, with its Appendix No. 03 Resolution 3074 issued on December 3, 1973.

Abdel Wahab Hirmas, International Crimes and Jurisdiction Over Them - Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiyya, Cairo, 1997, p. 124.

Attachment No. 03, containing Resolution No. 3074 issued on December 3, 1973.

1Advocating for space cooperation between Algeria and the Arab Maghreb Union countries, signed in Ras Lanuf (Libya) on March 9-10, 1991, and ratified by Presidential Decree No. 181/94 dated June 27, 1994.

1Extradition and Judicial Cooperation Agreement in Criminal Matters between the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria and the Kingdom of Belgium, approved by Decree No. 61/70 dated 1970/10/08.

Abdul Wahab Hamoud, International Crimes and Their Punishment Authority, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Cairo, 1997 edition, page 152.

Saeed Abdul Latif Hussein: "The International Criminal Court and Applications of Modern and Contemporary Criminal Justice" - Arab Renaissance House, Cairo - 2004, pages 259 and 260.

Mahmoud Sharif Besyouni, "The International Criminal Court," Third Edition, Rose Yusuf Al-Jadida Printing Press, Cairo, 2002, page 510.

Annex No. 02: Elements of Crimes adopted by the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in its first session held in New York during the period from 3 to 10 September 2002.

Hugo Jombue Moudiki, la compétence universelle et le procés de Bruxelles, publication de l'organisation des avocats sans frontière, Bruxelles, 2001 p15.

Adel Majid's report from the Arab League seminar on "The Effects of Ratification and Accession to the Statute of the International Criminal Court on Legal Obligations and National Legislation in Arab Countries," held in Cairo from February 3 to 4, 2002, is included in Mahmoud Sharif's book supplement on page 511.

Draid Bishara, an article published in Al-Nahar newspaper (Lebanon) on October 20, 2005.

The report issued by the International Law Commission for the year 1995.

Ouskan Solera, discusses supplementary jurisdiction and international criminal justice in the International Review of the Red Cross, Issue 847 (2002), pages 183-164.

Al-Zahir Mukhtar Ali Saad, International Criminal Law: International Penalties, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Jadidah Publishing House, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition, 2000, Page 223.

Mohammed Mustafa Younis, "Treatment of Prisoners in Light of the Rules and Principles of Public International Law," Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiya, Beirut, Lebanon - 1992, p. 85.

The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, adopted and opened for signature, ratification, and accession by General Assembly resolution 46/39 of the United Nations on 10 December 1984, entry into force on 26 June 1987.

Mohammed Mustafa Younis, Treatment of Prisoners in Light of the Principles and Rules of Public International Law, Dar Al-Nahda Al-Arabiyya, Beirut - Lebanon - 1992, p. 232.

Taher Mukhtar Ali Saad, International Criminal Law: International Penalties, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Jadidah, United Beirut Lebanon, First Edition 2000, Page 243.

Basic System of the International Criminal Court.