Effect of ICT Based Teaching on Attitude towards Learning Physics

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This study examined the effect of ICT based teaching on attitude towards learning physics. The experimental method and Solomon four equivalent group design was used. A male 9th grade class was selected from two schools. The population consist of the 9th grade students studying Physics in public schools. The 160 students, 40 for each group, were selected by applying procedure of experimentation. The standardized attitude scale (Osgood et al., 1957) was adopted and used in pre and post-tests. The tool was validated and made reliability by pilot testing. The experimental procedure was carried out and post-test data was collected. After analysis, it was found that the students who received ICT based teaching have significant attitude towards learning physics than the students who received traditional teaching. It was recommended that teachers may utilize ICT tools in classroom to continuously stimulate students’ behaviors towards the use of ICT as a tool for education and learning.

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Author Biography



1Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Education, The University of Haripur

2Associate Professor, Department of Education, The University of Haripur


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