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Customary rights disputes often occur among residents between one village and another, and the same thing happens in Waropen. It is not uncommon for customary rights disputes to occur among customary law communities. The aim of this research is to determine the resolution of customary law community land rights disputes in Waropen Regency. The approach method used is normative and empirical, namely research by examining applicable laws and regulations by looking at the reality that occurs in the field. The results of this research reveal that the resolution of disputes over the customary law rights of the Waropen community among village residents is usually resolved through customary law which in the Waropen language is called "Woidama". Woidama means deliberation. The house where the gathering is held is the sera house (tribal chief's house) because the one who will lead the traditional assembly is Sera. Problem solving starts from Sera Titibi (Deputy). If Sera Titibi cannot solve it, then the problem is handed over to Sera Bawa. In terms of solving the land problem, if there are still problems, it is recommended to just eat land as a way to solve the problem. They believe this will prove who owns the land. However, with the formation of the Waropen Traditional Council, unresolved problems can be escalated to the Traditional Council. The Waropen Traditional Council has its own management structure with a cabinet composition elected within Waropen Regency. The Traditional Council in this area functions as a protector for indigenous Papuans, and as a channel for messages among Papuans for the government, especially in the Waropen district government area. At the district level there is a District Traditional Council and at the district level there is a District Traditional Council. Meanwhile, in each village, village-level traditional council management has also been formed. The structure and management of the Traditional Council in Waropen district consists of: General Chair, Deputy Chair I, Deputy Chair II, Deputy Chair III, Deputy Chair IV, Secretary I, Secretary II, Treasurer I, Treasurer II, Commissions (consisting of 4 commissions who is in charge of programs as a program driver for the local Traditional Council).
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