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In 2019, as per the World Health Organization the number of people aged 60 years and older was 1 billion. This will increase to 2.1 billion by 2050. In India, as per Census 2011, population of Senior Citizens is 10.38 Crore. The projected population for 2026 is expected to be 17.32 Crore. These citizens are facing many hardships one of which is nil or inadequate maintenance. The number of Japanese people 65 years or older was 33 million in 2014. But the Japanese Government has dealt with the problems in a very systematic manner. In the present paper, a comparison made with respect to the laws in India and in Japan considering the aspects of maintenance and welfare of Senior Citizens with the help of doctrinal methodology. The comparison shows the difference in the situation of both the countries with respect to the maintenance of Senior Citizens.
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