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The paper is an attempt at delineating the key concepts of trademark, brand and country of origin which fall under the scope of intellectual property. Our dominant stance is of a legal nature, however, these concepts are analyzed in functional and relational terms as well since they constitute the link between manufacturers, certifying authorities, markets and customers. In this context, the paper focuses on the phenomenon of the Hungarian Product trademark and its impact on manufacturers and customers alike. It is argued that manufacturers can obtain brand and market security by having their products certified by the country of origin qualification label. In the case of customers, our research analyzes the role of consumer perception and consumer ethnocentrism in connection with the Hungarian Product trademark. Our study gives answers to the question of how consumer purchase intention can be better understood on the basis of the analyzed factors. An additional goal of our study is to provide feasible claims concerning the nature of the complex cooperation of law, economics and psychology which is required to increase desired buying intentions of the customers.

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