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Background:     The Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Cognitive Version3 (FACT-Cog V3) is a self-report instrument designed with a specific focus on quantifying the cognitive impairments experienced by individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer. The main aim of this study was to undertake the translation and adaptation of the original version 3 of FACT-Cog into the Urdu language, while also taking into account cross-cultural considerations.

Method: The research study employed a survey research design as its foundation. The researchers employed a purposive sampling technique to gather data from the medical records of female individuals who have survived breast cancer and fall within the age range of 21 to 50. These individuals received treatment at different hospitals located in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Lahore. The sample was collected on two occasions. Initially, a sample of 40 breast cancer survivors was collected for translation. Subsequently, a sample of 319 breast cancer survivors was collected to confirm and validate the factors of the translated version of the scale. All the required analyses were conducted using SPSS (Version 26) and AMOS (Version 23).

Main Findings: The study revealed noteworthy positive correlations (ranging from .82 to 90) between the FACT-Cog scores obtained in Urdu and those obtained in the English version. The scale demonstrated satisfactory alpha reliability, with a coefficient of 0.88. The final thirty-seven items of the Urdu version of the scale were validated through Confirmatory Factor Analysis.

Conclusion: The cross-cultural utility of the Pakistani adaptation of FACT-Cog (Version-3) has been substantiated through an examination of its psychometric properties in a sample of breast cancer survivors.

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