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Some independent administrative authorities in the French system and also in the Algerian system have the power to arbitrate between the conflicting parties, and arbitration decisions are issued regarding this authority. However, these decisions may be illegal or cause harm, so the independent administrative authority must be held accountable for these decisions, especially through reporting its responsibility for them.
The liability of the administrative authorities for arbitration decisions could be based on error, and that is if the elements of responsibility of the error, the damage, and the causal relationship between them are available. The responsibility of the independent administrative authorities could also be assumed without error, if the element of damage and its relationship to the legitimate behaviour issued by the independent administrative authority, represented in the arbitration decision, is present.
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- Law No. 16-01 dated 6th March 2016, containing the constitutional amendment, Official Gazette No. 14 dated 7th March 2016.
B- Conventions
- The 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of the Judgments of Foreign Arbitrators
References II
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Legal Sources
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