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     This study aims to examine the Higher Authority for Transparency, Prevention, and Combating Corruption as a new regulatory institution established under Article 204 of the amended 2020 Constitution. This authority is tasked with transparency, prevention, and combating corruption, replacing the National Authority for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption. The study begins by exploring its conceptual framework, defining its structure and organization. It then delves into its powers as stipulated in the 2020 Constitution and those outlined in Law 08_22. Ultimately, the study concludes with the necessity of enhancing the independence of the Higher Authority through the election of its members and expanding its punitive powers, all while establishing a coordination mechanism between the Higher Authority and the Central Office for Combating Corruption"

Article Details

Author Biography



1Lecturer class A, Faculty of Law and Political Science, university of abdelhamid ibn badis mostaganem (ALGERIA)


Loi n° 06-01 du 21 Moharram 1427 correspondant au 20 fÈvrier 2006 relative A la prÈvention et A la lutte contre la corruption : N 14

_Ordonnance n° 10-05 du 16 Ramadhan 1431 correspondant au 26 ao˚t 2010 complÈtant la loi n° 06-01 du 21 Moharram 1427 correspondant au 20 fÈvrier 2006 relative A la prÈvention et A la lutte contre la corruption

Loi n° 22-08 du 4 Chaoual 1443 correspondant au 5 mai 2022 fixant l’organisation, la composition et les attributions de la Haute autorité de transparence, de prévention et de lutte contre la corruption

_Décret présidentiel n° 23-234 du 9 Dhou El Hidja 1444 correspondant au 27 juin 2023 fixant les structures de la Haute autorité de transparence, de prévention et de lutte contre la corruption.N 45

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