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The primary aim of this study is to find scientific literature on psychological well-being and to show how the publications in this field are designed.Bibliometric methodology, combined with the scientific mapping technique, were used in this investigation. Different procedures related to the qualification, scrutiny, assessment, and estimation of scientific documents were carried out.148 valid articles were retrieved from Scopus Database between 1990 to 2023 related to psychological well-being in caregivers of children with disabilities. The researchers initiated148 distinct articles. Medicine was the furthermost studied area followed by psychology which contributed to 54.73% and 52.03% total number of publications respectively. The findings also discovered that there was a clear interest among developed countries in studying problems related to psychological well-being. The findings revealed that the evolution in the study of psychological well-being is constant and continuous, with articles in English being the most used medium for researchers to present their findings. This study focuses specifically on a single database that functions as the primary source for the papers. While Scopus is widely recognised as a comprehensive database that indexes scholarly papers, it does not provide complete coverage of all available resources.This study's findings could contribute to the existing knowledge on providing a thorough analysis of trends in studies pertaining to psychological well-being.
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