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The concept of Green Library, comes under a broader concept of green building, design is a newly emergent trend that is shaping the libraries of the present century. The Green Library Movement (GLM) refers to the collective effort of various stakeholders such as libraries, towns, and academic campuses to reduce eco-degradation and promote sustainable practices in libraries. This manuscript deliberates the conditions necessary for a library to be considered "green," the role of librarians in this movement, the key features of green libraries, and various initiatives in India. Additionally, the paper provides a summary of the GLM and role of the librarian in the recent times in promoting environmentally sustainable practices. The major environmental issues of the present era like waste management, water and energy conservation and climate change continue to affect communities, libraries need to adapt their information resources and programs to address these burning issues. Recently, there is an augmentation in the green library structures and awareness about GLM across India. The present work suggests that the librarians must make themselves updated regarding the ongoing sustainability concepts with regards to the green library and GLM and also encourage environmental sustainable practices and spread awareness.

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Author Biography



1Librarian, DCAC College of Arts and Commerce, University of Delhi, Netaji Nagar, New Delhi

2Principal, Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, University of Delhi, New Delhi


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