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Abdelsadok Kheira , Slimane Anouar


The present study delves into the pressing issue of environmental protection, focusing on the changes, pollution, and their negative impacts on human life. Recognizing the global concern, the study highlights the efforts made by the United Nations and other international bodies to develop mechanisms for environmental protection akin to other human rights protections. Despite these efforts, the study argues that the existing measures are insufficient without enabling individuals to claim their environmental rights at various levels. The technological development, while providing services, has also led to environmental damages, necessitating international vigilance. The study culminates in proposing key recommendations, including the necessity of an international treaty encompassing all environmental agreements, the need for national legal recognition of the human right to a healthy environment, and the vital role of public awareness and civil society organizations. The study underscores the importance of a coordinated global approach to environmental protection as a fundamental human right.

Article Details

Author Biography

Abdelsadok Kheira , Slimane Anouar


Abdelsadok Kheira 1, Slimane Anouar 2

1 Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Ibn Khaldoun University, Tiaret, Algeria,

Member of the Security in the Mediterranean Lab., University of Batna1

2 PhD student at Faculty of Law and Political Science, Ibn Khaldoun University, Tiaret, Algeria,

Member of Ecosystem protection legislation Lab., University of Tiaret


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