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Although there are some advances regarding the mechanisms used to promote the autonomous work of university students, it is considered relevant to identify the design of the activities that make it possible. The purpose of this study was to determine the autonomous work and the mechanisms that university teachers use to promote in students the design of autonomous activities such as 1) Research 2) Case studies 3) Analysis of business situations and 4) projects. Teachers from a Colombian public university participated. For the study, an online questionnaire called ‘Mechanisms that promote the autonomous work of university students’ was completed. Bayesian hypothesis testing was used for the analysis as it is considered a more intuitive tool for statistical inference, the results of the sequential analysis compared the Bayes factor (BF) to evaluate the evidence in favor of an alternative hypothesis (H1), compared to a null hypothesis (H0), according to the BFs provided and as part of the conclusion, more information or further analysis is required to make a conclusive decision.
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