Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Applied to Microbusinesses: A Bibliometric Analysis.
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The bibliometric scientific production is a documentary analysis tool that allows the analysis of the state of the art of microbusinesses and the technological acceptance model (TAM) with the Scopus database. Descriptive study on the technology acceptance model applied to microbusinesses, analyzing the use of methods and strategies within the research. Documents published by institution, the affiliation of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, School of Management and Economics of UESTC, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur; countries with the most documents published, Indonesia, Malaysia, China; documents published by area, there is a greater trend in the area of Business, Management and Accounting, followed by the sub-area Computer Science, Social Sciences; productivity by authors who wrote the largest number of articles are the following authors Zhao, H.; Abayaawien Atuilik, W.; Chatterjee, S.; This study applied the freely available VOSviewer software in the creation of bibliometric maps for keyword co-occurrence based on network data capturing attention and its relationship with terms such as perceived ease of use and SMEs.
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