Main Article Content
This article aims to explore the complex dynamics of trademark infringement on e-commerce platforms in China, where AI plays a significant role in facilitating online transactions and complicating the enforcement of trademark rights. This article firstly provides an overview of the current e-commerce landscape in China, highlighting the dominant role played by major online marketplaces. These platforms have revolutionized the way consumers shop, leveraging AI to enhance user experience, streamline logistics, and personalize product recommendations. The article explores the existing legal frameworks and regulatory measures in place to combat trademark infringement in China's e-commerce ecosystem. Article concludes with a discussion of potential strategies to address trademark infringement on e-commerce marketplaces in China. The article investigates the significance of collaboration between marketplaces, rights holders, and authorities to enhance detection, enforcement, and deterrence measures. Additionally, we consider the implications of emerging technologies like blockchain and AI for trademark protection in e-commerce.
Article Details
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