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The emergence of various problems in the application of the principle of the Business Judgment Rule in Indonesia as well as the existence of the Board of Directors of SOEs who must be personally responsible for business decisions that are detrimental to the Indonesian state's finances. This study was conducted to determine the qualifications of actions that can be protected by the Business Judgment Rule principle or actions that can be subject to criminal acts of corruption that are detrimental to the Indonesian state finances. The research method used is normative juridical research conducted through library research and analyzed by qualitative research methods on the secondary data found. Data collection techniques through literature study. The results show that the SOE Directors in making their business decisions by the Business Judgment Rule principles must be freed from personal responsibility as long as the policy or business decision or transaction is carried out in good faith, with full prudence, and within the scope of their responsibilities and authorities. If there is one condition that is not met, the SOE Directors can be held personally accountable. In this case, a criminal act of corruption can be imposed because it has harmed the Indonesian state's finances.

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