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The condition of consent is one of the most significant requirements stipulated by the legislator within the provisions of Health Law 18-11, due to its pivotal role in legitimizing medical experiments, which requires that this consent must be free, honest, and informed; and it must be issued in written form, with the possibility of revocation, allowing the termination of the experimentation at any time upon request. However, no clear stance has been taken regarding consent within the framework of medical experiments on living human embryos. The legislator has merely established a general legal foundation, emphasizing the necessity of obtaining consent from the legal representative in cases where the subject of the experiment is unable to provide consent. This can be considered as an indication of the permissibility of experimentation based on the consent of the legal representative.

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Author Biography



1Phd Student, Member of the laboratory of markets, employment, legislation and simulation in the maghreb countries, Faculty of law, Ain Temouchent university, Algeria

2Professor of law

Faculty of law, Ain Temouchent university, Algeria


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