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Welfare is one aspect that is quite important to maintain and foster social and economic stability. This condition is also needed to minimize the occurrence of social jealousy in society. Inequality in people's welfare and empowerment in all regions that has occurred so far has resulted in disparities in various aspects of social and economic life of the community, including community participation in regional development which also makes them very vulnerable. The concept of poverty in general defines that poverty is the condition of a person or group of people where they do not have sufficient resources to meet the necessities of a comfortable life, both in terms of the economic, social, psychological, and spiritual dimensions. The main challenge in the short term is to increase the welfare of the poor through an approach to fulfilling basic needs, increasing and developing productive economic enterprises, as well as providing social security and protection. This research is a combination research or mixed methods. The results of this study indicate that after the BLT & RUTILAHU Program, the Health Assistance Program (KIS), the Education Assistance Program (KIP), the KUBE Assistance Program shows a difference, namely that they are more prosperous than before receiving assistance, this is also in terms of Religiosity, the condition of the beneficiaries before and after getting help, their level of religiosity is different (better) than before getting help.

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